We have some exciting news for our Sellers!
At PieceX we want to give our sellers all the right tools to close more sales. Stay tuned until the end to discover how to enhance your product images easily and quickly just by being part of the PieceX Community.
How to Create or Improve your Product Main Image
Learn the easiest and fastest way to improve your product main image online and increase your sales using PieceX.
Your product main image is very important since it creates the first impression on the buyers. In fact, it’s a make or break deal. A good or bad main image will translate into potential buyers clicking and checking your product details. If the image is bad then you are risking losing a lot of sales even if your product is excellent.
An image enhances the product listing which makes it appealing for potential buyers. In this digital era, there is a strong visual culture: the main image is an essential component that drives the buyers into the notion.
The better your product images, the more you will sell.
For instance, In the marketplace there are many products listed with different characteristics, there might even be a product similar to yours. When a potential buyer scrolls and navigates through our marketplace, it is the product image that attracts or repeals the user to click on your product page and check your product’s details. Is only when (and if) the buyer clicks on your product’s page that they will be able to see if the product fits what they are looking for.
A well-designed image and detailed description will give the potential buyer a sense of trust and will influence their decision to buy or not your product.
Follow these simple rules when creating your Main Product Image:


Follow the current trend calling for large and clean images.

White backgrounds are the industry standard.

Your images represent your brand.
Creating an impacting Product Image
Editing tools are expensive and time consuming. Luckily in PieceX we want to simplify our sellers experience and give all the tools to increase our seller’s sales. That is why we are launching our new “Main Image Creation Tool”.
create better product images
PieceX Main Image Creation Tool
Now just by accessing our new tool, you can choose from predefined backgrounds classified by category, add your text and description, edit the fonts and add the images of your products in just a few clicks. Be creative! Give your products a boost and start attracting more potential buyers. When you are ready, just download the image and upload it into your product. Is that simple!
Unleash your creativity and create appealing main images online for your products at PieceX.

Start selling
It only take a few minutes to set your account and start selling your source code.
The Smart MarketPlace
PieceX is the only source code marketplace powered by AI. You will surely get the most for each transaction!
Monetize your source code
Monetize your source code by listing your different apps, plugins and templates. Companies, startups and other developers that fancy your products will buy it.
Close more sales
PieceX AI system will help you close more sales by changing your prices accordingly to the market needs. Your access to a fair price is just a few clicks ahead!