AI Source Code Projects You Must Know About

AI Source Code Projects You Must Know About

AI Source Code Projects You Must Know About

As the first marketplace for software source code to be powered by AI, PieceX has a great deal of knowledge in Artificial intelligence and has a magnitude of features all run by its patented AI.

With that, the PieceX Marketplace also has Artificial Intelligence source code, perfect for projects based on AI.

In this article, we will go through some of the AI source code projects in the PieceX Marketplace with high functionality including what exactly makes them unique.

AI Facial Recognition Web System

Facial AI - AI Projects You Must Know About

First off, one of the AI Source Code projects on PieceX is this AI Facial Recognition Web System. The best thing about it is that it is not only a facial recognition system but also has facial detection as a main feature.

While facial recognition gives an identification or a match between a set of images, facial detection allows identifying if there is a human face (or more) within a picture.

This source code is a ready-to-use code with User Interface for facial recognition and facial detection. Upload images and let the AI find matches for people in simple steps.

With this project, you will be able to upload single or multiple images to build a known faces library, find matches of multiple files simultaneously, submit images for facial detection, browse the results as a web client, access the database, and use the pre-trained data for other projects.

This source code is a complete Django framework solution including html templates, css, and js files. It includes a pre-trained model from public libraries and has undergone Python development with Django, the most popular AI programming language.

All those features and more make this source code an enterprise level solution, perfect for developmental use cases, security, business authorization and more.

AI Twitter Sentiment Analysis API

Twitter Sentiment Analysis - AI Projects You Must Know About

Running major twitter accounts with thousands of responses? Trying to analyze a specific hashtag and understand the general feeling towards it? Figuring out which direction you should take and how to reach a specific audience?

With the AI Twitter Sentiment Analysis API, you will be able to distinguish the general sentiment and perform very complex analytical research using AI keeping track of how your clients are perceiving your website or brand and SNS marketing campaigns without having to hire a Data Analysis expert. 

Sentiment analysis is an AI process from Natural Language processing aiming to identify positive, negative and neutral options from a text. It is a machine learning method of classification where the output is the polarity of the text which will allow us to classify it as positive, negative or neutral. 

Best thing is you don’t even need a Python System, just host this API and call it from your preferred programming language as a RestFul API.

This product is an API that will analyze the text from a line of text or tweet, searching by hashtag or username within a range of dates, retrieving a Json response containing the polarity, classification of the sentiment (positive, negative, neural) and the subjectivity. 

Additional functionality for getting Tweets by Username without a Twitter Developer Account*.  You can repurpose it to analyze other sources of texts by editing the code. 

This project is considered one of the good AI Source Code projects available on the marketplace due to its high functionality and possibilities.

AI Comment Moderator

AI Comment Moderator - AI Projects You Must Know About

It is possible to hire a large team or social media/review moderators and manually look through thousands if not tens of thousands of comments and text left by users of your platform or fans of your social media pages.

Or instead, you could use the AI Source Code Project: AI Comment Moderator

AI Comment Moderator will automatically block any insults before the content is uploaded into your database making sure that the comment section is free of insults, inappropriate language, and hate.

This AI source code project is very easy to deploy as you can just deploy it as any PHP Solution, which means it is fully web-based and does not need any special heavy AI Programming language or extension.

It is also highly customizable and is very easy to modify by non-AI developers as it includes a web-based design.

This AI source code project can log results and save the removed items in a log or database table. It also includes mock article pages and database structure.

DetectAI: AI Browser Object Detection

DetectAI - AI Projects You Must Know About

DetectAI is an AI Source Code Project that uses a pre-trained model to localize and identify multiple objects in an image or in Real-Time with a web camera.

To Identify object detection, it is the task where a model can identify through an image or video stream, information about the objects inside the image and their position. 

The current model detects the objects in images using a single deep neural network. The approach SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector), represent the output space of bounding boxes into a set of default boxes over different aspect ratios and scales per feature map location. The prediction generates scores for the presence of each object. 

This AI source code project is fully developed in Javascript code, and so all you have to do is export results in a JSON file and integrate it easily with your applications.

It only needs a WebServer as it is fully web-based and needs minimal implementation requirements.

Additionally, using the same model, the option of object prediction via web camera is added to give more options to the user to perform the detections.


The PieceX Marketplace is filled with AI source code projects, all of which are pre-inspected by our QA specialists. Our team makes sure that all source code follows high standards and is equipped with a user guide to assist users with installation and implementation.

AI is currently revolutionizing markets everywhere, and the use of which can evolve your business and your tech massively in a short amount of time, which is why PieceX is adamant to include high quality AI Source code projects into its platform.

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